Please proceed to PayPal for team registration payment of $450.00 via the buttons below. Registration is not complete until payment is received.
If you have landed on this page without going through the registration process, PLEASE STOP and register first; you will be brought back to this page for payment AFTER filling out our registration form.
NOTE: Once you have registered and paid your team’s registration fee, please check your email; you will have received a welcome message from the tournament, and PayPal will have sent you a payment receipt. These emails are your confirmation that we have received your registration and payment (if you are paying later after registering, you’ll receive a PayPal receipt only – you will have already received a tourney welcome email upon registration). You may need to check your junk/spam folders for these emails; additionally, sometimes there can be a delay with PayPal’s receipt email; PLEASE ALSO NOTE – There will never be a legitimate request from PayPal OR Oak City Swing Softball Tournament for any account information via email. If you see anything like that, it’s a phishing attempt. Please see this page for further explanation, as well as action you can take if you see emails like this.